Monday, 7th December 2071
Dear Lola,
fucking cold outside. Me sittin under blankets in viet bathhouse with fifty other. Men with automatics wanna kill us at moment I write. We under space blankets and coats, warming us to survive nightfreeze. Generators outblasted and village burning but better start tell what happen this morning.
Waking up from noise outside. First thinking just random rubble but turned on eyesackingly my commlink for village news. Was playing fuckin classic music. Getting louder every second. Me opening door taking look and heard chopperwapping cascading in from east, morning sunwise. Others getting on street wtfing skylooking trying check an watchin commlink signals droppin. Lot noising on street could see from door over village cause am on second floor in my tainer like told ya, Lola. Turmoiling and randoming people running updown street yelling and waving. Patterson getting children out school arming around no knowing what. Then me member music, heard life ago in school. It's Wagner, Ride-o-Valkyries, guess. Knowing was fucking something with film far go.
Then choppers incoming uplining vee-birdlike on acid, whopping overhead and firing lots of small black thingies on mainroad. First thought: "Gosh are gonna palming us like movie! Fuckinshit!" But thingies booming up in a dull dry noise and white clouds spreading all over. Peeps spreaming, yelling, running all round, holdin hands on eyes, stumblin' fallin' puking all over short after. Was staring at random like meszmer when Liz uprunning stairs to my tainer, yellin somethin I no guess, waving hands. Finally pushed me inside, jamming door close behind me. "Keep doors and windows closed, Maggie, they're gassing us with CS or shit!" Told me she know stink from riots she'd been, before she joined the Nest. Wetting cloth for mouthholding, "prepare for the sting when it hits!", yellingwise. Rusty rushing outside over backyard, uprunning stairs too, yelling. I opened door, Daniel on arm, tried protect in blanket and could feel sting in eyes. That when beatcops running down alley, pointing Rusty surrender, swinging tonfa bashers, yellin, bigmouthing, upstairing.
Beatcops were Hard Corps corpboys, badasses totally decon and aggro. Guess combatdrugs cause seen fuck before on Pica. Hell, know myself! Gungho beatin up Rusty badly, didn't stop, kickin him down metal stairs and heard nasty noise of breaking bones. Not knowing if they offed him or ex'd him though, screamin, Liz tryin to close door and barricade. But powerwise they whelmin us down like truck crashing pedicab sidewise. Tryin to fight them off, Daniel starting screamin when one put me under boot, other beat up Liz and backwards throwing hardcoring her on cotbed. Liz screaming like mad, yelling: "We surrender, stop beating, she got a baby!" But cops no listen, funbanging her screamingwise like bad dreams, then turned on me but door got slammed, yellin something got hit on head then pulled out. Kinda Lieutenant really angryfacing and bulling, getting us out, Liz halve offlined, me clutching Daniel, keeping head low. Not know next, but found us on middle mainstreet where people kneeing in mud at freezetemp. Lieutenant got medic told found Ganger rapin Liz and stopped it last second, hitting two cops on helmet when think we no see. They happyfacing told got bonus for caught ganger in flagranty or something. People wet in freezetemp and bluelippin now, me no better. Total clusterfuck scene, for Knight Errant troopers mainstreeting and posing for reporter girl and camguy, they called "embedded" or shit. Hard Corp boys not in impressive shield and uniforms and fuck like KE going into trashing backyard tainers, tents and shacks all over offsight of mediadrones. Know Knights and Hard Corps is all Ares owned troopers. Guess Hard Corps were minions Knight Errant regulars.
Mediadrone whirring all round when yell was that they found drug labor and getting out packets of drugs I no see before from clinic and "fire in the hole" boomstickin whole tainers, shredding place in yellowblossom boomflowers. Crying all over, throwing zapped doc few people uprow, had stripped him whitecoatwise. Guess to no view he's doc or shit. Fuckin callin casus from clinic 'found drug addicts' and got them in poptents away from mediadrones. Puterguy besides me said: "Fuckin celavies incoming…" when black van arrived with letters "Copyright Infringement and Patent Violation" unit driving by, stopping in front of school. Corpboys doorcrashing and much screaming and yelling and kids panicing all over, pulling out Patterson miss at hairs calling it BTL facility and illegal copybooth. Know she had puters in that but guess corpboys lying. They fire-in-the-holeing school mediawise much flameblossing the thing and trashing all inside. Black celavies cuffing her and offdriving cops presenting lots of chips and that to camera.
Me near offlining for cold and new copter landing, more cops coming and thaumaguy with magic sign on lapel galumphing downstreet in black leather overcoat and visor cap going down kneeing row of captives. Calling out illegal "rat mages" in line. Peeps shivering and all near offlining, but guess he randomizing peeps cause me no sure but didn't see no magic round here. Rats yes, magic damn no. But camguy and reportergirl making important faces doing that commenting: "Knight Errant finally stopping illegal activities in Redmond Barrens, notolerance policyshit for extralegal places and gangcriminals" or fucksomething. No nail me on much details, cause me freezing cold, holding Daniel fast when nurse getting me out line when Daniel screaming. Last see was doc protesting when magestoogies offpulling boy besides him which mage outpointed as ratmage or shit. Sure corpmage was falsetongueing. Know that cause boy me infotained when at Pica. If Whistler was wizzworm, he had burnassed Picas, check? KE corper gunned shitswearing Doc down with Pain Inducer. Said its noharming and very humane said, but Doc screaming like never heard before man screaming. Guess gun was torturegun KE was nicenaming. Kept him screaming longtiming and portergirl said they niceedit soundtrack later.
Ares Healthcare nurse getting me into pneumotent with redcross on door. More pneumotents were instapopping downstreet. Getting some air from breather and for Daniel, washing eyes and shit. Warming and shit no talking and fingermoving for me hurting badass. More people incoming total clusterfuck, gasn us, hardcoring, funbanging, deathfreezing and then nicecuddling girltoing us much happyfacing and feeding hotsoup and fuck. Wanting to go postal but legs too work and me tired as shit and bluelippin and stuff just hoping Daniel was right no thinking much nomore else.
More 'n more peeps coming in, warriors in cuts dearmed and driven off in Black Mariahs. Cops dearming Scrappers, found lots of weapons greenasses shit I never seen no Pica and no Scrappers. If Scrapper had weapons like found theyd wiped Picas singlehanded before and me was redcloud patch on wall in Purity now. But me alive so guess corpboys shitlipping bout that greenass weapon like automatics and nades and heavy boomtubes and fuck. Peeps were all shellshocked and shit and bluelippin and shaking and shit. No much talkin until nightfall when they outkicked us and put casualities on sidewalk to offchopper and whole unit, Citymasters and shit. Just left a group of ten Hard Corp boys "Secure the Area".
We assembled for survival, cause know if not we freezing death. Working like mad when Copboys with automatics and things said we no allowed assemble, but Doc fuckoffed them hardtalking a lot, said we're all dead by night if not working on that. Viets said fuckin americans, they peat that generations now, but they had bathhouse and got pipes in earth and was easy to warm water up, like done before. Just need power so peeps gone doing best. Me just caring Daniel in bathhouse so not know much what going on further. Had no much energy so lowlighting and shitty Ares "Healthcare" blankets and shoes replaced by blankets and things from recycler after they fixed Magicmachine. All working like mad nightdeep and me falling sleep some time. Liz closelippin after funbang and got drugged by nurses. Know now Liz ex junkie and Doc really cared bout her relapsing. She asking bliss but no bliss and shit in Rats Nest, which funnything, guess. Cause got asskicked for that just hours ago. Other girls got closelipping too, some crying much sadmooding around. Hard Corp guys were random hardcoring and funbanging girls all over, guess. Boys mostly hurt and bonebreak, headcrash and lots of wounded while Doc worked, Liz not able do much help. But Doc tried to get out drugs needling her. Many faces missing and we only got up and running a couple tainers yet. So all crowded and Corpboys knocked said we move out, gunpointing. Saw corpboys bluelippin self now. But Doc hardtalking gain, said fuck yourself and waited them to fire but guess they counted ammo and know they'd be dead if gun him. Cause everyone just staring them like maddogs. Trolling off they started burn down tainers to keep them warm. Shitheads. Hope they die. Saw two funbangers and lieutenant in group, guess he's charging and this kind o strafe put on them by their supers. No know why but guess.
Funny thing, this blog got highscore on reads today. Got six readers yesterday, this eve it's up way over tenthousand. So guess me famous blogger. No idea why though. News were telling fairytale bout raid but was much onesided intel guess. KE was happyfacing with fatboys from politfraggers and smoothtalking how asskicking us mean gangers, violators, druggies, sinless and criminals. Which I guess is all words for same for corpboys. No gettin me wrong, Lola, guess find guys in Barrens like that but know many many more that aint. Me no saint anyway, but no think people here deserved.
Personal loss is minimal, so guess been lucky. Ruffy with me, seems to survive, but big fat lazy dog that was lying round all day on sidewalk at tainers got exed by corpies as mean wardog or shit. Guess was just funkill. When corpboys boomsticked clinic have blown up stored last things me owned. Asked Doc bout them. Means lost my trodes, my blacksun glasses with imagelink for AR and nightview an knife and things. But loss unimportant even if have work months to rebuild. Guess damage and loss all round much worse. So no plain bout that and me just happy that living. And Daniel living. And Ruffy. And maybe Liz, even if Liz now looking zombiefied. And Doc. Guess he's hero of day in fucking way. Even if no helping much, guess. Couple of slitches cuddling together, all chippies, guess local joygirls, guess mindfuckworkers or shit pretty roughed up by corpies guess funbanged too. Other girl less joygirllike more like jackhead or so, crying all time, rolled up like baby, so all work it out by their own term, guess. Think crying no help. Focus on living and keep it is better. So me no cry and focus, check?
Try write now like is job. Doc said shall do, maybe Maggie found thing she can. No Calco nomore but maybe blogger. Ah guess Magicmachine making shoes for ugly warthog not Maggie for this. Much too large.
But now night night, Lola, me falling dead sleep in minute. Burning sound of tainers outside helping get sleep guess. Is like mix rain and firework.