Montag, 13. Februar 2012

Offlined and captured

Saturday, 5th December 2071

Dear Lola,

today I got back my commlink and this is my first entry since that day I backgunned the doc and got offlined in return for that. My CMT Clip is the only thing I have left now when yeargo I had schooldropping. Had memrisin' text in head so now dumpin' out shit fast to catch time. Sorry Lola for tersing.

Didn't write you for three days, Lola. So much to tell. All began in Purity home turf of Pica. We're chillin' and blissin' when a plug whistled incoming color drive through. Second whistle tell color incoming was campin' on turf. So we went out huntin'. Hunter group got that fragger pointblanked an' back to hayque.

At time me was bitchin' with Pinch, boss of Pica upstairs in overseer cabin. Downstairs much yellin' an' a lot of random, when we're downstairing new plug was yellin' 'bout redclouding the captive. Strapped to a chair an' his gun headwise, cocking. Pinch firming redclouding but me stepped in tell "Na, redcloudin' shortfun, I go infotain him." Safed his life, I tell truth. And so went. But he callin' me names full face of gang so I totally decon'd, offlined him pipewise like going postal. Maggie not proud of goin' ballistic but asshole callin' her names in face of gang.

Long tell short, we got whistle of incoming colors. Gone out defense me and four Picas went for trappin'. I pulled them yellin' in backyard, me havin' blubber belly was perfect for job. Boomstick'd one of 'em warthogs in puddletrap, after first ex'd next was comin'. Aged people are so deadhead if blubber belly girlies yellin' help.

Got him trapped but he ex'd two of us derringer'd them down like in movies. Me coltin' him backstabbed that moment but still he'd not ex'd 'n offlined Maggie fisthardcoredingly.

Got online later, hand bound backwise, yellin' position but got mouthtaped. Colors were Scrappers, gang livin' in Rat's Nest. Picas didn't start war, but hell of ended it the day. Incomings biking homewise, taking Maggie with them.

That last time I was Pica. We chillin' gang, mostly dealin' bliss 'n snuff an' tradin'. Only war hardcoring when out hunting. We chillin' gang otherwise. But this was war. Seen Picas die. No trust over fifteen Pica say. An' Pica no yell, Pica no tell. So Maggie no tell more, Maggie no motd.

Sundown I was baby belly blastin', Scrapper I colted was Doc seems. Got clinic in Nest. Living in 'tainers all over place. Stinkin' foul all over, even Pica livin' better places. Doc put baby on belly even if Maggie didn't want to. Baby on belly magicwise Pica say and don't do if wanna sell biocorp. Bondin' an' that I think was wrong but now know is right. Deep in shit now. But baby named Daniel.

Doc pumped out blood cleaning and Maggie had severe drugcrash the night so don't member much further.

Mornin' got awake hearing far out autofire. Sound conlike or greenasses bitchin' gangs or shit. Doc cuffed Maggie to cot in clinic, but me wasn't runnin' anyway. Had a girlnurse called Liz, was nice to me an' Daniel. Lookin' like punkgirl I saw downtown once when I still had family and home. But much old must be even aged twenty guess.

Me no junkie so I was coolcrashed. Asked to get off cuffs but kept captured. Guess Scrappers hardcore Maggie, infotain, funbang ex 'n dump her soon. Saw Doc makin' boomstick'd warthog live. Must be good Doc if doin' that. Guess most would salvaged body after that for organs.

Pica boomsticks no good enough. Have tell them if back.

Doc comin' in gettin' Maggies stuff, black stuff, means cut, gun, boots so guessin' right trading colors for colors. Means Maggie is de'colored. Rattlefree cuffwise totally failed, yellin' at Doc didn't do no callin' names. Just ignored me and outwent. Maggie no cry but if me cryin' on that hour. Daniel cryin' so me forgot about cryin' myself. Breasted Daniel.


So me no ex Pica with no home an' no future, soon get hardcored and and things. When Doc coming back had sucker with him that I infotained totally blissed an' that. Was namin' them an' sucker flinched me voicing. Doc got me out after that put me in 'tainer in backyard of 'tainer village. Cuffed Maggie to backwall an' piss and ignored me.

Was dark 'n cold for november freezing somenights. Taped'n stuffed some holes to keep out damn rats 'n shit, kept Daniel warm. Were shitty two days in hole. Maggie no motdin' no helpin' anyway so fastforward day three or two lost countin', cause offed sometime. But still livin' so me think Maggie much luck.

Good thing they uncuffed me, don't member when. Woke on cotbed in 'tainer had soup'n a trid an' water was eatin' like starve. Scrapper came in I first saw said had given me meal an' shit and let come in my dog. Called him Ruffy. Was thankful and said he'd watch doorwise which good thing guess cause sleepmissin' nightwise now. Wish I had key for inside anyway. But alive and Daniel alive and Ruffy that counts. Baddreamin' after.

Doc came by today questin' what happened to sucker. Suckers name is Whistler. Told him story how I 'member. No thing to shame on what Maggie did, me think. Saved life so don't know what complain. He called names and me didn't ex him for that.

But no Pica no more. So told Doc I'm shitswimmin' with leadshoes now with no future. If bitchin' at Picas gotta ex me, must slummin' and squattin' now, bitchin' maybe but Maggie no fuckworker and no ownthings for trading. So poodivin soon. Sadmoodin'.

Doc told Maggie she's havin' future but Maggie was Calco for Picas doin' in and outs and plannin' and that. But Scrappers are in salvage not dealin' so guess Maggie no help. Doc left commlink for Maggie so I'm typin' now.

Have no blacksun glasses with interface and no trodes more so typin' slowboatin' but me is chillin' anyway so nomind.

Ah before I forget tell you, Lola, Doc said have to talk right here and no street which is crazy cause even deeper in Barrens than Purity. But if helps Maggie tries. It will take time, so patiencing me, Lola. Last day in school is life away.

Was watchin' tridnew boringwise all day so have known some things. May even helped Doc seeing coming trouble with Spikotrogs. 405 Hellhounds an' Scrappers are bitchin' and I think that was something to do with autofire few days ago, fight I heard from corpboys or greenasses, I guess, check?

No helpin' against Pica even if Maggie ex Pica now. But noone needs motd'in girl. So I no tell nothing. No yell no tell. Night night Lola.

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